
TRIPPingTRaceroute-IP-Ping BitBar MACOSX plugin to monitor regularly the path and ping roundtrip, from your network to fixed IPs and determine if they have suddenly been increased.
ScreenshotsSimple script that goes through a given list of urls and takes screenshots of their content.
SensePortSimple script to quickly connect to server with excessive number of open ports and send a specific command.
SecureMessagesIt is an online service, to exchange, securely, messages between any party. We are using the Blowfish algorithm with CTR cipher mode for the encryption of the message, the ciphertext is the being stored on our server along with the SHA-512 digest of the password. The plain password is not saved in the server, is not even transmitted to us - actually it never leaves your browser. Any party who wants to read your secure messages needs to know a) "your password" and b) "your token". The password you are setting it up at the time you are saving your message, the token gets generated by the server side code once your ciphertext message is stored on the database.

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exploitzillaBug tracking management system tailored for exploits and bug hunters.
WAR COMmand Pagewarcomp - WAR file that if deployed, will allow you to upload/download files and execute arbitrary commands on a JBoss server.
Firefox KeyloggerBased completely on the Key-logger plugin v1.1 written by arrumi; what makes this version different is that all GUI items have been removed. The only way to access the captured keystrokes is by accessing the "extensions.integrator.logpref" key in "about:config".
DomainBFSince public DNS zone transfers are prohibited, you can use this tiny Java program to get the subdomains of a given domain by brute-force. See file's comments for more details. You may want to get the subs.list file to use in conjuction with DomainBF.
cPanel Brute ForcerA simple Perl script to brute-force your favorite hosting provider's cPanel login page.
dnsforverA simple, quick and messy Perl script to check your internal DNS server for consistency between your reverse and forward DNS entries.
TextFileLineSplitterA Java program to split a text file into smaller chunks.
LineShufflerA Java program to randomly shuffle the lines of a given file.
TelGenA Java program to generate telephone/fax/mobile numbers.
stemextPerl script to generate extensions of a given string (it could be a password) based on a predefined set of characters.
uextractPerl script to extract the username, firstname and lastname from a passwd file in column separated format.
generate IPsPerl script to generate IPs in the range x.y.0.0 - x.y.255.255
downexecVBScript to download specific files from a URL and automatically execute any of those.
FileToBASE64Very simple VBScript to encode a file in BASE64 format.
look for filesBash script to look for system users' files that comply with specific criteria.
Live IP Address FF PluginFirefox plugin that displays your Internet IP address.
GoToGoogle FF PluginFirefox plugin for Google's (SSL) fans.

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