Category Archives: Projects


The idea was simple, I wanted to “store and share a message”, so that:
1. anyone with knowledge of two pieces of information can retrieve and decrypt the secret message
2. the password should not be stored on the database
3. the message should not be stored on the database
4. even if the database gets compromised one should not be able to decrypt the messages
5. save and retrieve quickly your message
6. not have to register to use the service

so we created “SecureMessages” an web based application, to exchange, securely, messages between any party.
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Exploitzilla DB

Having discovered bugs in software for which you need to track you actions towards the responsible disclosure, non-disclosure, sale for profit etc can be a headache while dealing with the developers, or the affected companies. We needed a bug tracking management system tailored for exploits and bug hunters, for those who discover the issues, rather than those who fixes them; we had a look around but we could find any… so we took the existing well known bugzilla and modified its database to fit our needs. After one day playing around the first version of exploitzilla born 🙂 get the database file from our github at and follow the below instructions to replace bugzilla’s default database with our custom one.

Follow the below sample installation instructions, tested on Debian 3.2.60 with Bugzilla version 4.4.5 (release date 24/Jul/2014):
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