/*************************************************************************** * Anastasios Monachos - anastasiosm@gmail.com * $Id: DomainBF.java 15 2009-04-27 21:28:59Z tasos $ * Compile: javac DomainBF.java * * Usage: java DomainBF domain.tld filename * * In the past, with a zone transfer of the target domain we could get a * list of all public hosts, their respective IP addresses and the record * type phase. Since most of the server now (finally) are configured to * prevent AXFR requests from non valid IPs (who are not setup as secondary * DNS) host reconnaissance has become more obscure. * * This program was written a few years ago to fill the gap left by commands * like: (unix) dig domain.tld ANY and the obsolete trick * (unix) dig @ns1.foo.bar domain.tld axfr (winz via nslookup) ls -d domain.tld * * basically, it goes through a list of predefined subdomain prefixes (the list * of the subdomains is being passed as an argument, for your convenience we * we have gathered a few in the subs.list file) and asks the OpenDNS servers * if that subdomain with specific DNS records exists. * * ***Note*** This tool is supplementary and it should be used along with * other host reconnaissance tools (see dig, samspade etc) and * techniques (bounce emails, social engineering etc). ***************************************************************************/ import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; import java.net.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.*; import javax.naming.*; import javax.naming.directory.*; class DomainBF extends Thread { private String recordToDig[]= {"A", "NS", "MX", "PTR"};//DNS records to check private String fileUserInput = ""; private String constructedSubDomain = ""; private static String userDomain = ""; private static final String OPEN_DNS_MASTER_SERVER = ""; private static final String OPEN_DNS_SECONDARY_SERVER = "";//not used private static Vector dirty; private static Vector clean; private static String opendnsIpIsJunk = "";//some older values were "" and "" //we will try to get a record for this noexisted domain. For every //non-existing domain OpenDNS return an IP that belongs to its NetRange. //That's an easy way to tell which subdomains do not exist, so to remove //them later from our dirty vector, and save them into the clean vector private static String thisIsADummyDomain = "th1s1sadummysubdoma1n.google.com"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { if (args.length==2) { userDomain = args[1]; dirty = new Vector(); clean = new Vector(); //get the IP for the non-existing domain getDummySubDomainRecordIP(thisIsADummyDomain); DomainBF bf = new DomainBF(args[0], args[1]); } else { usage(); System.exit(0); } } catch (Exception e) {} } static void usage() { System.err.print( "\nUsage: java DomainBF [domain] [file-subdomain-list]\n\n" + " 1. where domain is the domain to be investigated, in the form\n" + " domain.tld eg google.com\n" + " 2. where file-subdomain-list is the name of the file which will contain\n" + " the list of subdomains that will be checked against.\n\n" + " Info: The program makes use of the free OpenDNS servers.\n" ); } static void getDummySubDomainRecordIP(String str) { try { Hashtable temp = new Hashtable(); temp.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.dns.DnsContextFactory"); temp.put("java.naming.provider.url", "dns://" + OPEN_DNS_MASTER_SERVER + "/"); DirContext ictx = new InitialDirContext(temp); Attributes attrsForJunk = ictx.getAttributes(str, new String[] {"A"}); NamingEnumeration enumeration = attrsForJunk.getAll(); Attribute attr = (Attribute)enumeration.next(); NamingEnumeration values = attr.getAll(); opendnsIpIsJunk = (String) values.next(); System.out.println("Default IP returned by OpenDNS is: " + opendnsIpIsJunk+" do not worry I will clear the junk for you."); } catch(Exception e){} } public DomainBF(String userInputDomain, String fileUserInput) { try{ //Open the file that is the 2nd command line parameter, the file should contain the domain prefixes eg. www FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(fileUserInput); // Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(fstream); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); String strLine; //Read file line-by-line while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) { //Print the content on the console for each line construct the new subdomain constructedSubDomain = strLine+"."+userInputDomain; //System.out.println ("The constructed domain is: "+constructedSubDomain); /*****************************/ //now call accessSocketSubDomain accessSocketSubDomain(constructedSubDomain);// samplefromfile.domain //the above method will then call getRecord processDirtyData(); callNoDuplicateDomains(); /*****************************/ } in.close();//Close the input stream } catch (Exception e)//Catch exception if any { System.err.println("\nError: " + e.getMessage()); usage(); } displayCleanData(); }//end of public SubDomain(String userInput) public boolean accessSocketSubDomain(String subdomainToTry) { if (subdomainToTry.charAt(0) != '.') { for (int i=0; i